Monday, January 16, 2012

In honor of Reverend King's spirit, I borrow from my friend, David Mixner: Honor Dr. Martin Luther King By Reminding Ourselves Of Poverty In America

Honor Dr. Martin Luther King By Reminding Ourselves Of Poverty In America

As we honor the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King this day we should remember that in his last days he undertook the mantle of erasing poverty from America. He was in Memphis to help sanitation workers earn a living wage when he was assassinated on the balcony of his motel. At the same time he was organizing a "Poor People's March on Washington."

Today we face a nation that has more poor people than any time since the Great Depression. Almost 15 million of our children go to bed hungry every night. As more people struggle, the Republicans want to cut their unemployment checks, their food stamps and their ability to survive. People who have dreamed of owning their own homes and finally achieved that dream are losing them - 7% of Americans have lost their homes to the banks.

The best way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King? Fight on!

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